
Written in May 24 2022

🇯🇵 Japanese version of the white paper

💻 Landing page https://www.pjnen.com/

🧬 Discord http://discord.gg/CnArFbMvTp

🧬 Twitter https://twitter.com/NEN_Studio

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Our goal is to bring together a community of NFT holders who love science fiction to create our own piece of science fiction together.

We are creating a worldview and visuals that pay homage to many of the Japanese science fiction works developed in the 1990s that feature AI.

By having the AI we develop learn your "words," NEN holders will participate in the profile of the AI and the core of the worldview in which it lives. This profile and worldview will then be used in future animated projects.

Of course, your name as the holder will be credited in the animation.

Our community will have a secret society of science fiction enthusiasts that NEN holders can join.

We will be free to think together in our community about what we can accomplish with that secret society!